Egoslut's Ego

Tag: stand-up

me on Watercooler Talk with Paul Aflalo

by on Mar.04, 2009, under Watercooler Talk

So for today’s video I have something a little different. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go on Paul Aflalo‘s radio show Watercooler TALK on CJLO radio. I went in to plug the upcoming Holy Crap! show which you can find mentions of all over the site. It was kind of meant to be a quick 20 minute in and out kinda thing but it turned into a half hour of Paul and I just making each other laugh ridiculously. The guy is awesome. I can’t wait to do his show again. While we were doing the show he was also live streaming video to uStream (my new current obsession). He was going to (and still is hopefully) send me an MP3 of the actual radio show which I will put up on the site as soon as I get it. But, in the mean time. Here is the video. This is cool because you get to see all the stuff we were talking about during commercial segments and while songs are playing. Thanks again Paul.

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