Watercooler TALK and it’s ma birthday
by Egoslut on Aug.03, 2009, under Watercooler Talk
So here we are back with a new episode of Watercooler TALK. It’s my birthday episode. I haven’t put anything up since we moved to the new timeslot and also since we moved to Livestream. It’s a really cool service. So check out the show.
oscar reviews, less 1
by Egoslut on Jun.23, 2009, under Movie Reviews, Videocast
So, I’m managing to stay true to my promises and give you number two in the video update series. Today, we talk a little bit about the plan for this update, but mostly we focus on 4 of the 5 Best picture noms for the 2009 Oscars. Also, we tried out the other webcam today to much better results and also upgraded the audio thanks to my soundboard and mic.
Hope you enjoy.
slumdogs and hadoukens
by Egoslut on Jun.23, 2009, under Movie Reviews, Videocast, Videogame Reviews
So, this was supposed to go up yesterday, but it ended up taking way longer to render than I thought it would. I promise I’ll get better at this. Here is what I am calling episode 2 of my videobog. I think we have the basics now to start going into a bit of a regular format. I have a couple of other podcasting ideas that are going to start being put up here, just to see what you guys think. If you like this stuff. tell your friends. Give me some tweets and plugs on your Facebook. Today’s episode is all about what is right with Slumdog Millionaire and what is wrong with Street Fighter 4. The new look is well under way, too. I think it’s going to be pretty cool.
Watercooler TALK’s last morning show
by Egoslut on May.12, 2009, under Watercooler Talk
So, Watercooler TALK is moving from Tuesday morning to Monday afternoon. It is going to be so nice not having to get up at 6:30 in the morning to do this. We also are planning some really cool things for when we start the new show on June 1. Today, I have the last hour of the show due to some technical difficulties, but it is a fun hour. The topic of the morning of course is Star Trek. Cool or just awesome? Take a listen.
Watercooler TALK for Arpil 28, 2009
by Egoslut on Apr.29, 2009, under Watercooler Talk
So we are down to our last 3 shows at this timeslot. In June we move to our new time on Monday afternoons. Today was just a mish mash of topices but of course with this weekend comesĀ two great show, The Indyish Monthly Mess Birthday Extravaganza and of course my show Holy Crap! So we talk a little about those, cool iPhone apps, some great documentaries and what would be a Watercooler TALK without Sci Fi/Fantasy nerdiness. Paul and I are in rare form.