Tag: Slumdog Millionaire
slumdogs and hadoukens
by Egoslut on Jun.23, 2009, under Movie Reviews, Videocast, Videogame Reviews
So, this was supposed to go up yesterday, but it ended up taking way longer to render than I thought it would. I promise I’ll get better at this. Here is what I am calling episode 2 of my videobog. I think we have the basics now to start going into a bit of a regular format. I have a couple of other podcasting ideas that are going to start being put up here, just to see what you guys think. If you like this stuff. tell your friends. Give me some tweets and plugs on your Facebook. Today’s episode is all about what is right with Slumdog Millionaire and what is wrong with Street Fighter 4. The new look is well under way, too. I think it’s going to be pretty cool.
oscar opinions & twitter awesomeness
by Egoslut on Jun.23, 2009, under Movie Rants, Movies, The Internet, Web Tech
So, I watched the Oscars last night as I have been doing for the past 20 or so years and it really made me wonder about it’s validity as a show in general. Are they still worth watching or is it just a big commercial for a certain selection of movies and a way of getting actors more money in their movie deals?
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